
Journaling: like a best friend download
START JOURNALING // With so many of us living a life of turmoil and upheaval at the moment it’s easy to feel lost and confused.This is the perfect time to get out a pen and piece of paper (or a...
Bring in Some Green
BRING IN SOME GREEN // You may be the worst gardener in the world but you can still bring the beauty and softness of nature into your home.House plants are magnificent. They definitely add colour and life to a room;...
Tense & Release
TENSE & RELEASE // With the amount of uncertainty and bad news that we are being bombarded with from all angles it is easy to get a bit overwhelmed.This is a quick and easy exercise for releasing some of this...
BREATHE // Now is not the time to overburden ourselves with achieving or excelling at anything. Now is a time of gentle self- appreciation and acceptance. Of sitting quietly and peacefully, and most of all of taking deep breathes. Why not...
Spring Clean
SPRING CLEAN // It may be Spring where you are but it’s certainly not here in OZ. But that can’t stop us from giving our homes a good spring clean, and maybe taking it one step further and spring cleaning...
Modern Love Letters
LOVE LETTERS FOR MODERN TIMES // We look back at old movies, or if we are really lucky at boxes stored in dusty cupboards, and admire the romanticism of old letters sent to friends, family and lovers, from times when...
Cheers to You
CHEERS // a throwback from a trip we took together to Cinque Terre, Italy .. rosè, cheese boards + this view .. wouldn’t be so bad right now 🍷👌🏻♥️
Easter Glamping
EASTER GLAMPING // Sometimes it’s good to shake things up a bit and do something just for the fun of it.We’ve all probably spent more than our fair share of time in our rooms lately, whether its sleeping late, deciding...
Cosy Corner
COSY CORNER // Spending so much time at home means that we need to make ourselves as comfortable as possible.Most of us, if we look around our homes can find a chair that we like to sit in.Remembering that there...
Comfort Food
  COMFORT FOOD // There is no better time to learn how to cook. The internet abounds with tutorials and videos from famous and not so famous culinary experts who would love to teach you a new technique or recipe...
Let Fresh Air In
  LET FRESH AIR IN // In Australia most of us are lucky enough to still have beautiful weather at this time of year, so for us it is wonderful to simply open the windows and doors and let the...
Sleep Out
SLEEP OUT // Sometimes it’s good to shake things up a bit and do something just for the fun of it.We’ve all probably spent more than our fair share of time in our rooms lately, whether its sleeping late, deciding...
Water Challenge
WATER CHALLENGE // We all know that drinking water is one of the healthiest things we can do for our body, our skin and even our minds. However, for one reason or another this simple action is one that we...
MEDITATE // Now that we have so much time to spend on our own, we often find that our minds run away with random thoughts, while others stumble over each other to obtain our attention. This can leave us feeling...
Cleaning Is Exercise
CLEANING IS EXERCISE // So, the gyms are closed and you really aren’t motivated by a Hemsworth lifting homemade weights. Exercise is one of those things that looks great on your daily planner but often it’s the hardest thing to...
Bucket List
BUCKET LIST // So, we are all stuck at home and have cancelled or postponed those holidays we had booked or adventures we had planned.This is not the end of those plans; it just gives you time to improve on...
ABOUT US // Sometimes we need to be reminded of our strengths, we need to be inspired for our tomorrows or we need to tell friends and family that we are thinking of them, but we can’t find the words. These are just...