Wyse Design Australia | Blog Post | this is us, about us, Nellie Barbour, handmade in Melbourne, Australia
ABOUT US // Sometimes we need to be reminded of our strengths, we need to be inspired for our tomorrows or we need to tell friends and family that we are thinking of them, but we can’t find the words. These are just a few of the times when we want our Wyse design crystals to offer help and support.
Amy and I sought to make a business that makes a difference in the lives of people just like us. People who have bad days and good, people who value a talisman of support; not just to spur us on to our best life but to give to those we love, to let them know that we see them and support them.
Our jewellery is here to make a difference, to help each of us to see our worth and potential. It is also the perfect way to let those we love know their value in our lives. The first step to a better future is having the power to believe in ourselves.
Thanks for joining us on our adventure,