My darling, let me impart to you the secrets of keeping your Zenniam as resplendent as your radiant spirit. There should be no need to clean your Zenniam as ageing adds to its charm; but the tender touch of a soft, dry cloth could be used sparingly to dust if necessary. Remember, liquids and concoctions can taint the beauty of your precious piece; so guard your Zenniam from the kiss of harsh chemicals - perfumes, lotions and all manner of potions. Allow your signature scent and beauty elixirs to settle and dry before you adorn yourself with your beloved jewels. Before you luxuriate in the splendour of crystal waters or when the stars invite you to slumber, remove your Zenniam. As you travel, or when your Zenniam rests, nestle it in the dust bag, safe from tangles and harm. Zenniam semi-precious stones thrive best when they are protected from extremes of temperature and the harsh glare of direct sun. On nights when the moon is full, let your Zenniam bask in the celestial light, recharging its energies and purifying its essence. Like our own true hearts; your Zenniam is at its best when handled with much love and adoration.

  • Remove before swimming, showering or any contact with water.
  • Avoid contact with aerosols, perfume, detergents or other chemicals.
  • Remove crystals before you go to sleep.
  • Never put stones, string or hardware in your mouth.
  • Gently wipe your crystals and hardware with a soft, dry cloth to remove dirt that may build up over time.
  • Avoid humidity, heat and overexposure to the sun.
  • Semi-precious stones are natural and may vary in size, shape and colour.  


If you are wearing your crystals frequently it is recommend that they are cleansed and recharged. All Zenniam crystals are cleansed and blessed using a Tibetan singing bowl with their set intentions after they have been handmade just for you. However, over time they will absorb a range of energies, so we recommend that you recharge your crystals monthly.There are a range of ways by which you can cleanse your crystals so as to restore them to their original intentions and enhance their properties, we recommend a full moon cleanse. A Full Moon cleanse is the easiest and strongest way to cleanse your crystals.During a full moon simply place your crystals on a window sill or weather permitting, outside under the full force of the moon to recharge, cleanse and absorb the moons energies.


Best seen: moonrise on January 13

Origin: Named after howling wolves in midwinter.
Theme: Inner strength, resilience and self-reflection.
Best Ritual: Write down limiting beliefs and safely burn them to release fear.
Affirmation: "I trust my inner wisdom and embrace my power."

Apothecary: Amethyst (intuition), Onyx (protection).

Best seen: before midnight on February 12

Origin: Named after heavy snowfall in the Northern Hemisphere.
Theme: Patience, renewal and setting intentions for the year ahead.
Best Ritual: A cleansing bath with Epsom salt and lavender to wash away stagnant energy.
Affirmation: "I am open to fresh beginnings and endless possibilities."

Apothecary: Clear Quartz (clarity), Aquamarine (flow & calm).

Best seen: early morning on March 15

Origin: Marks the time when earthworms emerge, signaling the start of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
Theme: Growth, renewal and transformation.
Best Ritual: Write down old patterns to release, read them aloud and bury them in soil.
Affirmation: "I shed the past and welcome new beginnings."

Apothecary: Green Aventurine (growth), Labradorite / Fluorite (transformation).

Best seen: After sunset on April 13

Origin: Named after pink wildflowers blooming in early spring.
Theme: Love, compassion, and emotional healing.
Best Ritual: A self-love ceremony with rose quartz and a heart-opening meditation.
Affirmation: "I radiate love and love flows effortlessly to me."

Apothecary: Rose Quartz / Strawberry Quartz (self-love), Rhodochrosite (emotional healing).

Best seen: Moonrise on May 12

Origin: Named after the abundance of flowers in full bloom.
Theme: Abundance, Fertility and Creativity.
Best Ritual: Write your goals on paper, place a citrine crystal on top and leave it under the moonlight.
Affirmation: "I welcome abundance and allow my dreams to blossom."

Apothecary: Citrine (abundance), Carnelian (creativity).

Best seen: Late Evening on June 11

Origin: Named by Native Americans for the ripening of strawberries.
Theme: Gratitude, joy and celebrating achievements.
Best Ritual: Write a gratitude list and express thanks for your blessings.
Affirmation: "I am grateful for the abundance in my life."

Apothecary: Sunstone (happiness), Citrine (prosperity), Garnet (passion)

Best seen: After sunset on July 10

Origin: Named after the time when male deer grow new antlers.
Theme: Strength, confidence and personal growth.
Best Ritual: Stand under the moonlight, visualise confidence and release doubts. Write down your fears and doubts, rip them up to release.
Affirmation: "I am fearless, strong and limitless."

Apothecary: Tiger Eye (courage), Carnelian (motivation).

Best seen: Midnight on August 10

Origin: Named after the large sturgeon fish caught in late summer.
Theme: Wisdom, perseverance, and emotional resilience.
Best Ritual: Meditate with lapis lazuli for deeper intuition and clarity.
Affirmation: "I trust my journey and honor my inner wisdom."

Apothecary: Lapis Lazuli (intuition), Blue Lace Agate (mental clarity).

Best seen: sunset September 7

Origin: The closest full moon to the Spring Equinox, marking the harvest season.
Theme: Prosperity, manifestation and gratitude.
Best Ritual: Write your gratuities and place gold jewellery or coins ontop, put under the moonlight for abundance.
Affirmation: "I am aligned with the flow of abundance and success."

Apothecary: Pyrite and/or Goldstone (wealth), Picture Jasper (stability).

Best seen: Late night October 6

Origin: Named for the hunting season when game was easiest to track.
Theme: Focus, determination, and taking action.
Best Ritual: Write down your biggest goals and commit to taking the first step.
Affirmation: "I am focused, determined, and ready for success."

Apothecary: Carnelian (motivation), Clear Quartz (clarity)

Best seen: Midnight November 5

Origin: Named after beavers building their winter dams.
Theme: Security, stability and emotional grounding.
Best Ritual: Bathe in epson salt and lavender. Visualise cutting energetic ties to past pain or unhealthy attachments. Use Selanite to sweep stagnant energy from your body.
Affirmation: "I am safe, secure and supported by the universe. I free myself from the past and create space for new blessings."

Apothecary: Selenite (for cleansing), Onyx (strength), Hematite (grounding)

Best seen: moonrise on December 5

Origin: Named for the long, cold nights of winter.
Theme: Reflection, closure and preparing for the new year.
Best Ritual: Journal about lessons learned and set intentions for 2026.
Affirmation: "I release the past and welcome a bright future."

Apothecary: Amethyst (insight), Moonstone (new beginnings).

The names given to full moons are often rooted in cultural, historical, or natural significance, and they vary across different traditions and regions. The names not only serve as a way to track the changing seasons and natural cycles but also provide a cultural and historical context to the passing of time. Different cultures and indigenous peoples have their own unique names for the full moons, contributing to a rich tapestry of lunar lore around the world.